#WBC2020 – How I wish Content Creators wouldn’t…

1. Trick us? We are aware the numbers matter so much to you – especially when you have to market your page to possible clients for adverts or for you to start earning (on YouTube). You have to gain a certain number of followers and clicks to posts but please consider your loyal consumers too. The click baits are too much. Will it be too much if we asked you to create a catchy headline/title that is still related to the post? We are tired of clicking to only see the headlines/titles have no implication whatsoever to the story/post. Are you tricking us or what?

2. Hang around Twitter and make news out of the most mundane issues? The fact that they are celebrities and pastors and presidents and known figures does not make everything they tweet newsworthy. We are now making celebrities out of undeserving people. This has resulted in people doing all sort of crazy things in order to trend. Really? Content creators. Really?

3. Take content from sites without properly citing the source? Academically, that would be called plagiarism and possibly leading you to lose your degree but in the content creation world, it seemed to be overlooked and it’s gradually gaining acceptance. For instance, bloggers take stories from other pages and slap it to theirs as if the one who created it does not even exist. It’s someone’s work, for crying out loud, please cite them.

What do content creators do that you wish they would stop? It’s a learning experience so share yours.😊

***This is 8/22 of the #WinterABC2020. The prompt is 3 things you wish African content creators could avoid***


Author: CBG

Thank you for making time to view the content on this blog. This is a platform with varying content mostly Christian, personal, creative and everything in-between. It is being managed by a girl on a journey to knowing God. Feel free to get in touch via christianblogghana@gmail.com, Facebook and Twitter.

11 thoughts on “#WBC2020 – How I wish Content Creators wouldn’t…”

  1. Recently I saw some of my content reproduced word for word on another site, not even so much as a please and thank you… The only consolation is that if you search on Google the content from my page still ranks top (at least Google recognise) I would have reached out to them and even taught them how if they had done it properly then it would have been a mutually beneficial venture with both our sites getting traffic and mileage but no, they dont have any contact details or comment section.
    The pursuit for viral content has us acting all kinds of … silly


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  2. I’m also a content Creator and I gather information from several sites too and I also write specific sentences and phrases where it’s really important?
    Is that really plagiarism?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We all get inspired with ideas from others but please write it be in your voice/words (most of it) and not a few lines. I would also suggest you get information from other sources and combine. In that case, it wouldn’t be plagiarism.

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