5 Items on my Bucket List

Bucket lists are activities or ideas one wishes to implement before they die. Do I have five things I would like to do before I die? That is quite challenging to answer but for now, these activities are what come to mind:

  1. Take a leisure walk on the Osu-Oxford street – One day, I would like to dress casually, preferably, put on a simple pair of slippers and take a walk on the Osu Oxford Street. To readers who are not familiar with this neighbourhood, Osu Oxford Street in Accra-Ghana, is your typical urban area that has good restaurants lined up on both sides of the street. I would love to sample all the foods served in the eating places lined up on this street.
  2. Become a Full-time Blogger – Another thing I would like to do at a point in time is to be a full-time blogger. I dream of keeping several blogs on different subjects and posting content on them regularly. I will not care too much about the incentives that come with blogging but I will only write because I love it when people read what I have shared.
  3. Author a Christian Novel – I would love to be a renowned author of a Christian novel that would have its setting right here in Ghana. This is a project I have been contemplating on undertaking for a while but I haven’t put into action yet.
  4. Take a real vacation – I dream of taking a long vacation alone (to precede the writing on my novel, hence, would meditate and come up with a concept) or with my husband (to have the honeymoon that we haven’t had yet). I do not have a destination in mind even though the location should have an element of water (beach or pool).
  5. To be able to walk around freely – Now, this wouldn’t have been on my bucket list a few weeks ago but due to what the world is currently facing, walking freely, breathing good air and going wherever you want to go to without thinking of what you are inhaling can be on a bucket list. Can’t it?

This post is the second of the 21-day lock down blogging challenge asking bloggers to list five items on their bucket list.


Author: CBG

Thank you for making time to view the content on this blog. This is a platform with varying content mostly Christian, personal, creative and everything in-between. It is being managed by a girl on a journey to knowing God. Feel free to get in touch via christianblogghana@gmail.com, Facebook and Twitter.

4 thoughts on “5 Items on my Bucket List”

  1. The lockdown has us remembering the simple things like walking around… You would think I was regular walker the way I miss the freedom to just walk around aimlessly without having to explain if its essential

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did not know I enjoyed going to work till I was asked to stay at home. Even though Accra (Ghana) has been under partial lock down for the past three days, I have been at home for close to three weeks (because a case of Covid-19 was detected earlier in my institution). I can’t wait to go back to work and also, walk around freely.

      Thanks for reading 🙂


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